Ok so after saying the mountain was satan it appears mountains are an important contact point with god. Moses went up the mountain for the commandments Jesus for the Transfiguration. So god is doing a new thing in me he is literally encouraging me to get out onto the hills turn everything off and listen to him in the peaceful quiet of the hills. These are the thoughts that popped into my head during those sessions. Obviously I have my concerns about making “proud pronouncements” or running anything at this point in the book. I can however feel the love and I know who has kept me all these years so if this is what he wants it must be a good thing.
March 3rd
Ukraine : Jesus incoming soon and when he comes he will turn every sword into a ploughshare every tank into a tractor every gun into a spade. However for peace in Ukraine a line needs to be drawn in the sand Putin may have to declare victory with the Donbas region thus saving face but in return the rest of Ukraine should be allowed full nato membership with deployments up to 20 miles away from the new border. Thus punishing aggression.
AI : One major problem with consumer AI is its inefficient as an example say it took you the energy of a bowl of cereal to work out your itinerary it may take ai a bowl and a half to work it out. Thus 2 and a half bowls of cereal for something that could have taken 1 so actually quite dumb. Its application in research and other uses may ultimately benefit the world. However any legislation on AI should try to make providers commit to 100% renewable powered in 2 years or there license is revoked. Data centres which were becoming more efficient now are a significant contributor to climate change see googles usage as an example.
I think one of the thrills of going up into the hills
Is you are are keenly aware that you are entering a world where you don’t matter. You’re just an observer. Around you the seasons produce their fruits. The geese rest on the lakes part of some giant operation flying north or south as the seasons dictate.Its all just happening around you and your just a very small observer. Its awesome I love it.
God in the silence Sometimes he wants you to turn everything off go into the wild and listen That still small voice is still calling us all his love is still there his peace and so is his guidance. We sometimes just have to be still and listen.
This is one of my passions although I haven’t done as much research as I would like but buildings. In temperate climates if you want to really reduce emissions you need to start with buildings and start now well preferably 30 years ago but now will do. The energy used to heat homes is significant and there are no quick fixes but new homes that use hardly any energy can be built with better materials than brick and even prefabricated. Social housing that’s truly social and you can use earth and trees to protect them from extreme weather events that may happen in the future. It’s important because you may be able to cut travel transform the food industry but you will still need warm homes. Also we have a housing shortage and it could provide an income to the public purse. If you want to make a real investment make it there and look around the world for the best solutions that are already there. Maybe even look at setting up a prefab factory there are people out there desperate to build a better world maybe we could all assemble one ! I’ve always loved that bit in the film Witness where the whole community comes together to build that barn at its essence that’s what christianity is about and that is just what the world needs.
To me satan is a real entity and I may be a nobody but I feel about him the way you would feel about your Childs heroin dealer. I say this in the context of once being in a LOT of pain and seeking to nullify my life having asked someone once who I knew could obtain those sorts of goods for such a thing. Luckily the weeks delay resulted in a change of heart on my part. I still am quite fond of the aforementioned person despite his Farage voting tendencies. I wonder whether he deliberately saved my life at the time or whether it was just an act of god.
Veganism: OK so heaven is vegan. “the lion will lay down with the lamb” there will be an end to death and suffering. The streets lined with fruit trees. So in the lords prayer when it calls for your kingdom come on earth as in heaven. Mind you its quite hard to do at times. Remember he may have created us in his image but he is the god of the sparrows too and he loves them to.