Ok we are angels in that in our heads it allows us to host other spirits in a way that is more than the normal hosting of spirits. Of course I didn’t know I was an angel all the time I was in fact completely unaware until the events of 15 years ago when I had that event that meant I could see in the spiritual.
Ok I can be fallen or up depending on obedience. Now you may think ok that’s easy however obedience can at times be a VERY strict regime. Water largely no alcohol even tea and coffee to be avoided. Food no sweet things no meat vegan if possible but the odd bit of cheese allowed, its not as important when your down but it’s vitally important when you are up:
In fact it’s usually at least 2 weeks of such a regime before you become spiritually pure enough to host the actual spirit of Jesus and then it happens. Then you become enthused with spiritual power. To taste his love is phenomenal he literally loves and cares for everyone. He’s so saddened by the abuse hurled at him but that is the spirit of Satan with in them and it’s him he’s coming for but not really to fight just to remove his influence. You see the world would be a much nicer place without his influence. Without greed and anger hatred and bitterness. A world where love is the currency where people look to help each other out and live in community as they were meant to. An end to loneliness and sorrow. Creation would be renewed who could possibly object to that. Well Satan can and his influence is everywhere and growing.
He has convinced through media that religion is the problem
Do I get it I have to confess no I don’t get it. I guess good plans thwarted by the devil and to a certain extent I do feel my own inadequacy. although the thing is most of the time I had no idea I had to be anything. I keep on being assured that I am not the antichrist in the story but the truth is I know I’m in the story I hope I’m not a named character because the good male ones come later. I feel like a minor character although the whole us two being the subject of every song going. Although maybe this love story repeats itself over the world with different people in different situations. An ever present love song however it’s a shame that so far it hasn’t transformed peoples hearts. Although the experience has this time transformed mine somewhat too late in the day well at least for this life. I suppose I am just one of those characters for which god is trying to teach us a lesson.
For information when in the spiritual “Gods” side isn’t just christians its muslims and people of other faiths as well as those always endowed with an inner peace. From my “eyes” point of view I’m not sure that’s particularly scriptural but where the power is ? It’s in the name of Jesus !
Although I am actually really looking forward to heaven especially as I told myself when still an atheist and with my whole life yet to live in poetry form that my life wouldn’t be that great but after would be the best part. My life however has been good in its way but I do wish I had helped more been braver done more who knows but it appears that was not written in. Although it is not by anything we do it was our creators own work his life and his death that saved us and me.
think the poem went something like this although it has been 30 years and I threw it away. I think it was better than this but.
The third age stiffens like long forgotten friends But the Fourth age is the best as we burst last years bubble like bright candy and begin again.
Dancers: Angels who. change things by dancing. They get songs from spiritual forces and sing them. They can be orientated both ways both up and down depending on obedience to god or others. This orientation affects their voice and their power and the people who are controlled by that voice. Also strangely it would seem to be orientated on the good side you do have to specifically mention the name of Jesus Christ. There is literally power in the name of Jesus.
The road : That we are on possibly like Cormac mcarthys book towards destruction although in the book he was in a devastated land and the road was in fact like the road to emaus towards god and healing and goodness.
The Train: Intrigued as I am by the train the devil seems to be driving that one equally towards destruction although I am not sure that god may yet drive a train out of here. It sounds good peace environment but I think it also has a hard left agenda envy but ends up being Boris Johnson and Elon Musk greed. In the spiritual the train was definitely favoured by those keen on Boris Johnson. I am more convinced than ever that the train is dividing the world apart and getting them to fight each other.
The River: That flows to the sea.
The sea: God I think peace self control looking after the planet looking after others.
The Mountain: Satan I think the one eyed god the military industrial complex greed envy hatred mining fossil fuels Babylon. Although god is often to be found on the mountain tops.
Essentially mountains and seas just adds confusion he is the god of creation and he loves us and it so much that he was born into his world and was crucified and suffered the punishment for all of us. We should respect that and honour him by looking after his people (all of us) and the world he created.

Jesus will throw the Mountain into the sea.